
Sposi vaganti, due sinuosi alberi ancorati

nella quiete umida, abbracciati ad accesi astri.

Illuminati nella prodezza dell’ultimo autunno,

il cosmo sboccia nelle allungate acque

cascate ininterrotte attorno ad alchimie ardenti.

Sfiorano il fogliame di argentate attese

nelle migliaia e migliaia di notti ancora argini,

distanze rapite dalle ombre angelicamente assorte

lavano con le lacrime i volti accanto all’Amore.


Intermezzo errante di nottambula nostalgia,

incastonati nella compianta noia, nonostante noi

perennemente loquaci, eravamo narratori notturni,

natanti nelle narcotiche nuvole navigate.

Irreparabile quel tempo di naufragate notti,

quando distesi sulle nutrite, nitide nebbie

riportavamo sulle tempie ciocche di pianure nate nevi.

Perpetuando angoli remoti, il nubile nefasto

arriva alla cerimonia del culto, vestito di nudo niente. 


Dietro di noi la città, bagliore d’innamoramento,

dimore e tempo, dissolti nell’inesprimibile idillio

dove l’Eterno si porge in immacolato incontro.

Iridescenti, illuminanti istanti insieme,

nell’ebbro preludio d’inatteso incanto,

la bianchezza apre un sentiero di luce, immenso.

Fiocchi beati spuntano dal cielo d’inverno, intorno

intraducibili, intente immortali illusioni

nello splendido candore d’illustre Infinito.


Celesti nella tonalità dell’essere melodiche maree,

nel plenilunio, onde minuziosamente modulate

mescolano mormoreggiante malinconia,

mentre meditatamente muoiono.

Sussultiamo entrambi, mite metafora marina,

molteplici mondi misurano momenti,

sfumiamo nel cosmo di memoria, mutati misteri

in fremiti di stelle, trascorsi di perduta metafisica,

metamorfosi, magicamente, mirabile mattino. 


Sognatori dissipati attraverso altalenanti ali,

creativi plasmati nell’estro aureo,

come farfalle sperdute, alquanto albe

viaggianti dell’essere riapertura all’altre armonie.

Artisti affidati ad antiche anime,

liberi di oltrepassare funambolici arcobaleni,

sperimentando vortici e languide correnti, affinché

il desiderio del punto di vista più ampio

ricopra l’ineffabile abbandonarsi all’Arte.


(“Anima“, poesia di Camelia Mirescu tratta dal libro corale “Donne in azioni e parole“, a cura di Patrizia Chianese, Erreciemme edizioni, Roma 2019)



Publications Reading: Poetry, Essay Writing and Narrative


 PASOLINI PITTORE – SCRITTRICI CORSARE, PASOLINIANA The words of womens poets and writers in comparison/clash with the themes of Pasolini’s writing, from love to the environment, from the search for an innovative language to the sense of poetry in the contemporary world, curated by Patrizia Chianese, GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Rome (Italy)


FRANCESCA FINI / CYBORG FATALE. Performance and video between real and virtual curated by Bruno Di Marino contribution by Camelia Mirescu with the poem “The ideogram of metamorphosis” (to Francesca Fini)
(book available)

 CIAO MASCHIO. VOLTO, POTERE E IDENTITÀ  DELL’UOMO (HELLO MALE. MAN’S FACE, POWER AND IDENTITY) MENS “WRITTEN” BY WOMEN, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Rome (Italy)


AUTUNNO URBANO ALLA GAM (URBAN AUTUMN AT THE GAM) As part of the exhibitions of Shepard Fairey and Sten Lex, promoted by Roma Capitale Department of Cultural Growth Superintendence of Capitoline Cultural Heritage and by Wunderkammern Gallery, LE CITTÁ DELLE DONNE (THE CITIES OF WOMEN), poetry reading on global cities seen through the poetic word of women poets, to restore the meaning of poetry in our present, curated by Patrizia Chianese, GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Rome (Italy)


BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth – Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2019 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO  Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, “Regina Coeli” Prison, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2019 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, Giardino di Largo Alessandrina Ravizza, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

TELLING ROMA. RACCONTI DALLA CITTÀ INVISIBILE (TELLING ROME. TALES FROM THE INVISIBLE CITY) Included in “Contemporaneously Rome Autumn 2019″, promoted by Roma Capitale Department of Cultural Growth, created in collaboration with SIAE and organized by Cultural Association Rome Exhibition Center, narrative reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

TELLING ROMA. RACCONTI DALLA CITTÀ INVISIBILE (TELLING ROME. TALES FROM THE INVISIBLE CITY) Included in “Contemporaneously Rome Autumn 2019″, promoted by Roma Capitale Department of Cultural Growth, created in collaboration with SIAE and organized by Cultural Association Rome Exhibition Center, narrative reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, “Regina Coeli” Prison, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

TELLING ROMA. RACCONTI DALLA CITTÀ INVISIBILE (TELLING ROME. TALES FROM THE INVISIBLE CITY) Included in “Contemporaneously Rome Autumn 2019″, promoted by Roma Capitale Department of Cultural Growth, created in collaboration with SIAE and organized by Cultural Association Rome Exhibition Center, narrative reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, Giardino di Largo Alessandrina Ravizza, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

(book available)


BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2018 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

 BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2018 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, “Regina Coeli” Prison, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

 BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2018 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, Parco di Villa Carpegna, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia and OPEN – International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, connected to the Venice International Film Festival – Amin Gulgee / 7 – performance, poetry reading , curated by Paolo De Grandis and Claudio Crescentini, cocurated by Carlotta Scarpa, GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Rome (Italy)


BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2017 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2017 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, “Regina Coeli” Prison, Rome (Italy)
(book available)

BREAK POINT POETRY / CITTÀ POETICA (POETIC CITY) promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage SIAE, threeyear project included in the Roman Summer 2017 programme, with the collaboration of the Regina Coeli Prison Directorate, VO.RE.CO Regina Coeli Volunteers and Shakespeare and Company 2, poetry reading, curated by Patrizia Chianese, Giardino di Largo Alessandrina Ravizza, Rome (Italy)
(book available)


L’IMMAGINARIO Poesia e Arti Visive (THE IMAGINARY – Poetry and Visual Arts), curated by Duccio Trombadori, Museo d’Arte Moderna “Vittoria Colonna”, Pescara (Italia)


IO SCELGO (I CHOOSE) Rediviva Edizioni di Milano «Rosa dei venti» series, 2014 – a choral volume, written by Italian and Romanian authors, on the topic of violence against women. There are six authors: Cristiana Pivari, Daniela Frascati, Paola Budassi, Luiza Diculescu, Daniela Radu and Camelia Mirescu, curated by Irina Turcanu. One is the male voice, that of Dario Fertilio, journalist of the «Corriere della Sera». The stories contained in the anthology do not only aim to raise discussion on such a delicate topic as the violence suffered by women, but they want to offer solutions. In fact, the protagonists react in an effective, practical way. They choose. Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino (Turin International Book Fair), 8 – 12 May 2014,Turin (Italy)


RITORNO A CASA , ÎNTOARCEREA ACASĂ (RETURN TO HOME) Ciesse Edizioni «Sinergie» series, 2013 Anthology of bilingual stories. There are four authors: Luisa Diculescu, Ruxandra Elena Dragoescu, Camelia Mirescu and Irina Serban,  curated by Irina Turcanu. Four stories, four stories, four returns; this seems to be the essence born from the idea of ​​return in the authors, and yet, despite these apparent distances, the ultimate engine that pushes all the protagonists to return is love, in its most varied forms and shades. Padua (Italy)

Poetry and narrative in Romanian language:

CLIPA – Magazinul actualităţii culturale românești – Director fondator: Dinu Săraru – Editori: Fundaţia Naţională „Nişte Ţărani” şi Biblioteca Metropolitană „Mihail Sadoveanu” Bucureşti (România) Piazza Mincio, o mireasă înveșmântată Coppedé Autor: Camelia Mirescu • Rubrica: Confluente culturale • Apr 2010;  Iarnavara… (O vară a iernii…) Autor: Camelia Mirescu • Rubrica: Confluenţe • Mar 2010;  Nu trebuie să părem, noi suntem  Autor: Camelia Mirescu • Rubrica: Confluenţe • Dec 2009; Povestind printre fluturi Autor: Camelia Mirescu • Rubrica: Laborator Artistic • Nov 2009; Cafè Greco Roma A. D. 1760 Autor: Camelia Mirescu • Rubrica: Permanenţe • Nov 2009